Terrible shrieks. Close by. Thrashing on the bed. All four cats alert. More squirming and cat discussion. Blood and mucus. Tuxie and her mother, Bunny, are most involved. Lickinglickinglickinglicking. One lump. Totally indiscriminate. Gray. Squirmy. Chirping. Slowly I wake up and figure out it's Tuxie having a kitten. She's been looking for a proper birthing place and being pesky about needing to be petted. We all work on this lump. The comforter is doomed. The two big cats are lickinglickinglicking and the two from the last batch of Tuxie's kittens are watching. Thimble, the male, is interested but only watching. Thread, the female, is present but looking away. The lump squirms around until it has found a fold in the comforter and goes into it, hidden. The two big cats are baffled until I pull away the fold. TaDah! A newborn kitten. I'm reeling with sl...